आयुर्वेद Ayurveda

आयुर्वेद Ayurveda
- the legacy...the heritage...the art of happy and healthy being...

Ayurveda update: View BHHAS programs' list (Marathi)


"Welcome to Maaze Bhhas-my illusions.

I hope you all feel free to write anything you want to share.
I hope, we all create a better world-with words...
I hope we keep connected...to each other, to our selves!"


19 Nov 2009

BHHAS: An organization with a difference

“Welcome to BHHAS family.

We are BHHAS.

We are here to heal, to educate, toserve nature.

We are a network of young doctors, Ayurvedic physicians and enthusiasts who volunteer our expertise and time to heal disadvantaged communities. We are passionate about the environment and applying the ancient wisdom and insight of Ayurveda to save lives and regenerate communities with a difference.

We provide medical care and health education in India and across the globe.

Ayurveda offers a relatively inexpensive solution to many acute and chronic diseases as well as simple constructive methods of preventing illness.

We want to make sure the legacy and complete medical system of Ayurveda which originated in India more than 4 thousand years ago, continues to heal millions of men, women and children today – regardless of their social status, gender, place of birth or income.

Write your views about health, Ayurveda, environment, yoga and humanity"

visit: www.cozwecare.org


  1. Abhinandan Atul !
    Its really nice to have a platform like this where we can share our suggestions as members of BHHAS.
    Thanks and lots of best wishes,
    Dr. Sharduli

  2. Namaste Atul:
    Congratulations for your enthusiasm and hard work in all the Ayurveda projects. With your effort, all of us will be a big group of friends working together for health.

    Best Wishes,

    Carmen Navarro
    Ayurveda Traditional Academy

  3. Hello,
    its really nice to c our senior student in collage doing so much for the ayurved and that too updated with the time :)
    congrats and keep it up
    i ll b greatful to accompany the various activities. plz inform sos and keep in touch
    Dr.rupali panse
